The LEGO 41116 set is part of the LEGO Friends series, titled “Olivias Exploration Car.” Introduced in 2016, this engaging set encourages imaginative play and is designed around the theme of exploration and science. It features 185 pieces that come together to build a blue and purple SUV-style car equipped with a roof-mounted luggage rack for storing all the necessary exploration gear. The set includes an Olivia mini-doll figure, accompanied by her robot friend, Zobo.
Key accessories that enhance the play experience include a computer, magnifying glass, and a box for the robot, suggesting a science exploration storyline. There is also a map and a rear seating area in the car for Olivia to analyze her findings. Additionally, the set comes with a small island landscape that hides a treasure chest, further encouraging scenarios of discovery and adventure. With its emphasis on STEM themes and fostering creativity, LEGO set 41116 is a delightful addition to any LEGO Friends collection, offering hours of imaginative play for young builders and fans of the series.