The LEGO set 41349 from the LEGO Friends series is titled “Drifting Diner.” This delightful and engaging set takes inspiration from a classic American style diner combined with a drive-in movie theater concept, blending nostalgic elements with the colorful and lively LEGO Friends world. Released in 2018, it includes 345 pieces and is aimed at builders aged 6-12, though it certainly appeals to older collectors and fans of the LEGO Friends series as well.
The set features a detailed diner building complete with a grill, takeout window with a cash register, a stylish red-and-white dining area, and a giant hamburger icon on its roof, capturing the essence of a vintage diner. Additionally, it comes with a cool pink convertible car that fits a LEGO Friends character, enhancing the role-play aspect of a drive-in theater. What truly sets 41349 apart is its clever incorporation of a movie screen area where LEGO Friends can park the car and watch a movie, represented by a cell phone stand that can hold an actual phone or small device to play real videos for the LEGO characters.
The minidoll figures included in this set are Andrea in a diner uniform, ready to serve up some fun, and Dottie, a diner customer. Accessories such as a microphone, milkshake, and hamburger add depth to the storytelling possibilities, allowing kids and collectors to create various scenarios ranging from running the diner, enjoying a meal, or having a fun movie night under the stars.
LEGO set 41349 “Drifting Diner” is a wonderful addition to the LEGO Friends world, offering a mix of creative building, imaginative play, and a touch of nostalgia, making it a hit among fans of all ages.