The LEGO 7647 set, released under the LEGO Space theme, specifically the MX-11 Astro Fighter subseries, made its debut in 2008. This engaging set features a futuristic space fighter equipped with various high-tech details capturing the imagination of children and collectors alike. The set includes 165 pieces, which when assembled, create a sleek, colorful space craft designed for interstellar battles and missions.
The highlight of the MX-11 Astro Fighter is its detailed design, including movable wings, a cockpit that opens to accommodate the astronaut minifigure pilot included in the set, and various imaginative weapons and propulsion systems that fuel the creativity of space exploration narratives. The design is reflective of LEGOs commitment to creating sets that allow for immersive play experiences and foster an interest in science and exploration.
The astronaut minifigure, dressed in a space suit, adds a human element to the intergalactic adventures, making it easier for children to immerse themselves in role-playing scenarios. Ideal for fans of LEGOs space-themed sets, the 7647 MX-11 Astro Fighter offers both a fun assembly challenge and countless hours of imaginative play, making it a standout set for its time.