The LEGO 41310 set, titled “Heartlake Gift Delivery,” is part of the LEGO Friends series and was released in 2017. This delightful set encapsulates the essence of Heartlake City, where the Friends characters have various adventures and run different businesses. It features a delivery van in a vibrant color scheme, primarily purple and pink, thats well-equipped with opening sides and a rear for loading and unloading gifts. The set includes a shop facade with a postbox and a gift stand, showcasing an array of gifts and flowers that are ready to be delivered around the city.
The set comes with one mini-doll figure, Stephanie, who takes on the role of the delivery girl. Accessories such as a gift box, flower arrangements, and an invitation card add depth to the play experience, encouraging imaginative storytelling. The 41310 set comprises 185 pieces, making it a medium-sized LEGO Friends set that offers a balanced and enjoyable building experience for children aged 6 to 12 years. Through its engaging theme and interactive components, the Heartlake Gift Delivery set encourages creativity and helps develop fine motor skills, making it a charming addition to any LEGO Friends collection.