The LEGO 70009 set, also known as “Worrizs Combat Lair,” is part of the LEGO Legends of Chima series, released in 2013. This captivating set features an elaborate model of Worrizs Combat Lair, a mobile fortress that embodies the wolf tribes power and technology in the fictional world of Chima.
The set consists of 664 pieces and is designed for children aged 8-14. It includes an impressive lair vehicle that can transform into different modes, including a mobile command center, a towering wolf mech, and a fast-moving vehicle. The set is richly detailed, with multiple weapons, movable parts, and detachable vehicles, including motorcycles and a flyer, adding to the play possibilities.
Moreover, 70009 comes with 6 mini-figures: Worriz, Wakz, Grizzam, Eris, Windra, and Lagravis, each equipped with their own weapons and accessories, allowing for dynamic battle scenarios and storytelling. The characters bring life to the set, drawing children into the epic Legends of Chima narrative of animal tribes fighting for control over the natural resource, Chi.
Worrizs Combat Lair is praised for its build quality, playability, and the way it encourages imagination and creativity among young fans of the LEGO Legends of Chima theme.