The LEGO 60328 set, also known as the “Beach Lifeguard Station,” is part of LEGOs popular City series. This engaging set, designed for children aged 5 and up, allows young builders to recreate the excitement and responsibility of beach lifeguards. It features a detailed lifeguard station equipped with essential equipment, a watchtower, and an ATV for rapid beach patrols. The set also includes a range of minifigures, such as lifeguards and beachgoers, fostering imaginative play around beach rescue scenarios. Accessories like a shark figure, a surfboard, and a buoy add to the realistic and fun beach setting. With a moderate piece count, the Beach Lifeguard Station is ideal for both beginners and seasoned LEGO enthusiasts looking to expand their LEGO City collection. This set promotes creativity, fine motor skills, and an understanding of community roles, making it both educational and entertaining.