The LEGO 60095 set, part of the LEGO City theme, is titled “Deep Sea Exploration Vessel.” Released in 2015, this engaging set captures the spirit of underwater adventure and exploration. It consists of 717 pieces and features an impressively detailed exploration vessel along with a sunken shipwreck scene. The vessel itself is equipped with several realistic features including a large bridge, movable crane, and a landing pad for the included small submarine and helicopter, adding layers of playability.
In addition to the main exploration vessel, this set includes a small submarine, a scuba scooter, an underwater drone, and a shark cage, providing a comprehensive deep-sea exploration experience. Various sea life figures, including sharks and a swordfish, plus seven minifigures — ship’s captain, pilot, scientist, and four divers/scientists with assorted accessories — round out this immersive set. With treasure to discover and numerous scenarios to enact, the LEGO 60095 Deep Sea Exploration Vessel set offers children and collectors an enjoyable and educational building experience, fostering creativity and interest in maritime adventure and the mysteries of the ocean deep.