The LEGO 60250 set, officially titled “Mail Plane,” is part of the LEGO City series, aimed at young builders and aviation enthusiasts. Released in January 2020, this engaging set offers children a fun and straightforward building experience alongside exciting play possibilities. It consists of 74 pieces, making it an excellent choice for kids aged 5 and up, serving as an enjoyable gateway into the world of LEGO construction and storytelling.
The main feature of this set is a colorful, propeller-driven mail plane with a cockpit for the included pilot minifigure and a rear compartment designed to hold mail packages. The design of the plane is both realistic and whimsical, offering a great balance of playfulness and detail that sparks childrens imaginations.
Alongside the plane, the set includes various accessories to enrich the narrative play. These accessories often include a helmet for the pilot, mail packages, and sometimes small elements that can represent the delivery destinations or senders, enhancing the mail delivery storyline.
LEGO 60250 is celebrated for its simplicity and potential to teach young builders about the exciting world of air mail delivery. It encourages role-playing, creativity, and the development of fine motor skills, making it not only a source of entertainment but also an educational tool.