The LEGO 4428 set, also known as the “LEGO City Advent Calendar” from 2012, is a festive-themed set designed to count down the days to Christmas. This particular Advent Calendar features 24 individual compartments, each containing a small LEGO build to assemble every day leading up to Christmas Day. With a total of 248 pieces, the 4428 set offers a variety of mini-models, including minifigures, vehicles, and Christmas-themed items.
Highlights of this set include several LEGO City characters dressed in seasonal attire, a small fire engine, a Christmas tree, and gifts. It allows children and enthusiasts to gradually build a holiday scene as December progresses. Its not just a fun daily activity but also enhances the holiday decor with a LEGO touch. The set is designed to spark creativity and anticipation, making the countdown to Christmas more enjoyable. This set is particularly popular among LEGO City collectors and fans who enjoy incorporating seasonal sets into their LEGO displays.