LEGO Friends: Heartlake Performance School (2016)

The LEGO set 41134, officially titled “Heartlake Performance School,” is part of the LEGO Friends theme. Released in 2016, this charming set captures the vibrant world of Heartlake City, where five main characters – Emma, Olivia, Stephanie, Andrea, and Mia – embark on various adventures. The Heartlake Performance School set specifically showcases a beautifully designed two-story building that serves as a hub for creative arts and performance education.

This 774-piece set is teeming with details that incite imaginative play, featuring a classroom environment on the lower floor, complete with musical instruments and school accessories, whereas the upper floor is dedicated to a performance space with a stage, lighting, and a piano. The schools exterior is just as thoughtfully crafted, featuring a prominent entrance, large windows, and an iconic red-brick façade reminiscent of traditional school buildings.

Included within this set are three mini-doll figures: Andrea, Noah, and Iva the dance teacher, who bring life to the performance school environment. The set encourages young builders to engage in role-playing scenarios ranging from music classes and dance rehearsals to spectacular performances.

LEGO 41134 Heartlake Performance School is celebrated not just for its detailed design and playability but also for encouraging creativity, storytelling, and an appreciation for the arts among its builders. It stands as a testament to LEGOs dedication to creating enriching play experiences that reflect diverse interests and activities.