The LEGO 41059 set, also known as “Jungle Tree Sanctuary,” is part of the LEGO Friends theme, which was released in 2014. This charming set invites builders into the heart of the jungle, where they can explore and discover alongside the character Mia. The set is designed to encourage storytelling and creative play, featuring a multi-level tree house sanctuary that includes a laboratory, a waterfall, a vine for swinging, and a variety of rooms for the Friends characters to interact in.
With 320 pieces, this set is packed with details and accessories that spark imagination, such as a telescope for stargazing, a board for drawing maps, a camera for taking pictures of the wildlife, and a hidden compartment for treasures. The Jungle Tree Sanctuary also comes with several animal figures, including a parrot, a tiger cub, and a panda, emphasizing the connection with nature and animal rescue themes.
LEGO set 41059 is not only a fun build but also educational, as it helps younger LEGO fans develop fine motor skills and fosters a love for wildlife conservation and exploration through play. Its a fantastic addition for collectors of the LEGO Friends series or any LEGO enthusiast who enjoys themed sets that offer a rich narrative experience.