The LEGO 41058 set, also known as the “Heartlake Shopping Mall,” is part of the LEGO Friends series, which is designed around the lives and adventures of five girls—Andrea, Emma, Mia, Olivia, and Stephanie—in the fictional town of Heartlake City. Released in 2014, this detailed set focuses on creating a vibrant and interactive shopping mall experience that reflects the interests and personalities of the Friends characters.
The set features 1120 pieces and is designed for builders aged 7 to 12 years old, but of course, LEGO enthusiasts of all ages can find joy in assembling it. The Heartlake Shopping Mall set includes a variety of shops and amenities, such as a fashion boutique, a beauty salon, a food court, and a sports shop, presenting a rich narrative potential for play. It comes with four mini-doll figures: Stephanie, Emma, Sophie, and Julian, plus a baby figure, allowing for a wide range of storytelling and role-play scenarios.
Notable features include a revolving door at the entrance, an escalator that connects the floors, a fitting room with mirrors, and a catwalk for fashion shows, making it a comprehensive and engaging model that encapsulates the bustling atmosphere of a mall. Moreover, the set has several accessories like bags, dresses, hair accessories, food items, and sports goods, adding to the detail and playability. The LEGO 41058 Heartlake Shopping Mall set encourages creativity, imagination, and social play, making it a wonderful addition to the LEGO Friends series.