The LEGO set 2735, often listed under the LEGO DUPLO category, is a simple yet engaging set that was released in the year 1988. Specifically designed for younger children, this DUPLO Train Curved Rails set serves as an expansion or complement to any DUPLO train collection, enhancing play opportunities and encouraging imaginative play. The set includes 4 curved train track pieces that allow for the creation of gentle turns in DUPLO train layouts, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills as children figure out how to integrate these tracks into their existing setups. Its compatibility with other LEGO DUPLO train sets and components makes it a versatile addition, enabling kids to build more intricate and expansive railway systems. Perfect for toddlers and young kids due to its large, easy-to-handle pieces, set 2735 is a testament to LEGOs commitment to providing playful learning opportunities through high-quality, durable toys.