The LEGO 2234 set, also known as “Policemen,” is a small promotional set that was released in the year 1998. This set falls under the LEGO City theme, specifically focusing on the Police sub-theme. It comprises a modest number of pieces, typically 22, and includes two minifigures which are policemen, making it an ideal set for expanding any LEGO police force.
The design of the set is straightforward yet functional, with the main features being the policemen minifigures and their accessories. These accessories might include items like walkie-talkies, handcuffs, or nightsticks, reflecting typical equipment a police officer might carry.
Given its promotional nature, the 2234 set was often available through special offers or in specific retail contexts, rather than through the usual LEGO retail channels. Despite its simplicity, this set is cherished by collectors and LEGO City enthusiasts for its thematic purity and the possibility it offers to enrich police-themed scenarios within a LEGO City setup.