LEGO Town: Town Rescue (Dog) (2019)

The LEGO 30328 set, known as the “Duplo My Town Policeman and Police Bike,” is a charming addition to the LEGO Duplo series, targeting young children aged 2-5 years. Released as part of a promotional effort, this set encapsulates the spirit of community helpers through playful and educational engagement. It typically includes a friendly policeman figure and a buildable police bike, designed with simplicity and safety in mind for small hands. The pieces are larger and more robust, perfect for early development stages where fine motor skills are being honed. This set not only encourages imaginative play but also introduces toddlers to the concept of community roles and responsibilities in a fun and interactive manner. As with all LEGO Duplo sets, the 30328 aims to spark creativity, improve dexterity, and foster a love for building and storytelling from a young age.