The LEGO set 3607, also known as the “Belville Playful Puppy,” is a charming addition to the LEGO Belville series, which was targeted mainly at girls and introduced more detailed figures and domestic scenarios. Released in 1997, this set invites children into an imaginative world where they can engage in stories about caring for and playing with a delightful puppy.
The set is relatively small, consisting of a few pieces that come together to create a cozy scene for the puppy. It includes a pink and white doghouse, a cute little puppy figure, and accessories like a feeding bowl and bones to encourage role-playing activities. The design is simple yet effective in sparking creativity, allowing kids to enact various scenarios around pet care and responsibility.
Belville was known for its larger-than-average figures and more elaborate accessory pieces compared to traditional LEGO sets aiming to appeal to a broader and often younger audience. Though the series has been discontinued, sets like 3607 remain cherished by collectors and fans who appreciate its unique blend of LEGOs building fun with storytelling elements focused on everyday life and nature.