The LEGO set 70003, also known as Eris Eagle Interceptor, is a captivating set from the LEGO Legends of Chima series, which was a popular theme running from 2013 to 2015. This particular set was released in 2013 and consists of 348 pieces. It is designed for children aged 8 to 14 years but attracts LEGO fans of all ages due to its engaging design and playability.
Eris Eagle Interceptor set is centered around a highly detailed model of Eris’ Eagle Jet, featuring a cockpit for Eris, flexible wings for flight and attack modes, and claws for grasping. The set comes with three minifigures: Eris, the eagle tribe leader equipped with her CHI weapon; Razar, a member of the raven tribe wielding a raven CHI weapon; and Rizzo, also from the raven tribe, who comes with a standard weapon.
The primary appeal of this set lies in its substantial interactivity and the ability to recreate scenes from the Legends of Chima storyline, where tribes battle over the control of CHI, a powerful element that is both a source of life and potential destruction. The inclusion of opposing tribe members (Eagles vs. Ravens) adds depth to play scenarios, encouraging imaginative play and storytelling.
The LEGO 70003 set stands out with its impressive build quality, attention to detail, and the potential for customization, making it a valuable addition to any LEGO collection, especially for fans of the Legends of Chima series.