The LEGO 5901 set, also known as “River Expedition,” is part of the LEGO Adventurers theme, specifically the Jungle subtheme, which was released in 1999. This small yet charming set features Johnny Thunder, the intrepid Australian explorer, as he navigates the perilous rivers of a dense jungle in search of hidden treasures and ancient artifacts.
The set comprises 21 pieces, including a minifigure of Johnny Thunder himself, equipped with his signature revolver and hat. The main build is a small, single-seater riverboat designed to help Johnny Thunder swiftly move through the waterways of the jungle environment. The boat features a propeller at the back, emphasizing its readiness for high-speed chases and escapes.
As one of the smaller sets in the LEGO Adventurers line, set 5901 is designed to complement larger sets within the theme, providing additional play value and expanding the world of LEGO adventurers. Its compact size and simple construction make it an ideal choice for younger builders or as an addition to any LEGO enthusiasts collection that appreciates the nostalgic charm of the LEGO Adventurers series.