The LEGO 5936 set, also known as “Spiders Secret,” is a classic adventure-themed set that was released in 1999 as part of the LEGO Adventurers Jungle series. This set features an intricate jungle scene complete with an ancient temple, a cool vehicle, and a variety of accessories to spark imaginative play.
The main components include a small temple build that hides a valuable treasure, a green jeep for the adventurers to navigate the jungle terrain, and several minifigures: the protagonist Johnny Thunder, Dr. Lightning (also known as Dr. Kilroy or Professor Articus in some regions), Miss Gail Storm (a journalist), and a skeleton to add to the adventure and peril. Additionally, a spider figure represents the sets namesake, hinting at the dangers lurking within the jungle.
With 128 pieces, “Spiders Secret” offers a medium complexity build that is accessible for children, but also engaging enough for older LEGO fans who have a fond yearning for the adventurous themes of the past. The set is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts for its playability, unique minifigures, and nostalgic value within the LEGO Adventurers theme.