The LEGO set 66267, also known as the “LEGO Star Wars 3-in-1 Super Pack,” is a special compilation set that was first released in 2009. This bundled package is unique because it combines three separate Star Wars-themed LEGO sets into one, offering fans a richer building experience and the opportunity to expand their LEGO Star Wars universe all at once. The included sets are specifically chosen to complement each other, providing a mix of vehicles, characters, and settings from the iconic Star Wars saga.
The sets typically included in the 66267 Super Pack are:
1. **Hyena Droid Bomber (8016)**: A model representing the versatile droid bomber used by the Separatists during the Clone Wars, featuring bombing functionality and the ability to switch into walking mode.
2. **Armored Assault Tank (AAT) (8018)**: This set builds the heavily armored tank used by the Trade Federation and features a rotating turret and flick missiles, making it a formidable opponent in any LEGO Star Wars battle scene.
3. **Republic Attack Shuttle (8019)**: This set creates a detailed model of the Republics versatile attack shuttle, equipped with working missile launchers and a cockpit that opens to reveal the pilot inside.
The 66267 Super Pack is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts for its convenience, value, and the diversity of play and display options it offers. Its a fantastic way for LEGO fans to immerse themselves further in the Star Wars universe, allowing for the creation of expansive battle scenes or for adding to a collection of Star Wars LEGO sets. Additionally, the packaging often features exclusive artwork, making it a unique collectors item in its own right.