The LEGO 5007476 set, known as the “Advent Calendar Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3,” is a special edition LEGO set inspired by the characters and themes of the third installment from the popular Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy movie series. Released as part of LEGOs advent calendar collection, this set allows fans to celebrate the holiday season with their favorite Guardians characters in LEGO form.
This set typically includes a variety of miniature figures and small buildable pieces that represent iconic elements, scenes, or vehicles related to the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Each day leading up to Christmas, builders can open a new door on the advent calendar to reveal a new LEGO surprise, gradually adding to their Guardians of the Galaxy collection.
The exact number of pieces and specific characters included can vary, but the essence of the set is to provide a fun, interactive way for fans to countdown to the holidays while engaging with the imaginative world of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a unique blend of holiday tradition and superhero excitement, designed for LEGO and Marvel enthusiasts of all ages.