The LEGO 60292 set, titled “Town Center,” is part of the LEGO City series and was released in 2021. This immersive set brings to life the bustling heart of a LEGO City, offering builders a detailed, vibrant urban landscape to explore and expand. It features several buildings, vehicles, and mini-figures, creating a comprehensive scene straight out of city life.
Key elements of the Town Center include a two-story department store, a recycling station, a car wash, a charging station for electric vehicles, and a small park with a tree. The set is bustling with activity, thanks to the inclusion of mini-figures such as a shopkeeper, customers, and even a road worker, among others, allowing for dynamic and imaginative play scenarios.
Vehicular elements add another layer of realism and fun to the set, featuring an electric car, a sports bike, a garbage truck, and a tow truck. Adding a touch of modernity, the electric car can “charge” at the charging station, emphasizing sustainability themes.
With 790 pieces, the LEGO 60292 Town Center set is designed for builders aged 6 and above, offering both a satisfying building challenge and endless hours of creative play. Its modular design also means it can be easily combined with other LEGO City sets to create an expansive and customizable LEGO metropolis.