The LEGO 60091 set, part of the LEGO City Deep Sea Explorers series, is titled “Deep Sea Starter Set.” Released in 2015, this engaging set encourages children to dive into underwater adventures. It features 90 pieces, which come together to build a small submarine, a piece of seabed with treasure, three minifigures – a deep sea diver, a scuba diver, and a scuba diver with camera, along with a shark figure, adding excitement to the exploration theme.
The main attraction, the submarine, is designed with a bright yellow and black color scheme, capturing the eye and sparking imagination. It includes a cockpit for a minifigure, spinning propellers, and movable arms to simulate underwater activity. The seabed section offers a secret spot where treasures, represented by a chest with jewel elements, can be discovered and “brought to the surface” by players.
Accessories such as a camera, treasure map, and oxygen tanks enhance the play experience, allowing children to immerse themselves fully in the role of deep-sea explorers. The LEGO 60091 set not only promises hours of imaginative play but also educates young builders about underwater exploration and the mysteries of the ocean.
Ideal for children aged 5 to 12, the Deep Sea Starter Set stands as an excellent introduction to the world of LEGO City and the exciting scenarios it presents, encouraging creativity, problem-solving skills, and an interest in marine science.