The LEGO set 3366, also known as the Satellite Launch Pad, is part of the LEGO City Space Port theme and was released in 2011. This set features a detailed satellite launch pad, a satellite with fold-out solar panels, and a control station, capturing the excitement and adventure of space exploration in a fun and interactive way. The set includes one minifigure, a technician, who is equipped to prepare the satellite for its journey into orbit. With a relatively small piece count of 165 pieces, this set is designed for fans of space and LEGO builders aged 5 to 12 years. The Satellite Launch Pad set provides an engaging building experience and encourages imaginative play, allowing children to enact scenarios of launching the satellite into space and exploring the cosmos. Its a wonderful addition to any LEGO City collection, offering a glimpse into the workings of a spaceport and inspiring interest in science and technology.