The LEGO 60090 set, part of the LEGO City theme, specifically under its Deep Sea Explorers sub-theme, is a captivating construction kit named “Deep Sea Scuba Scooter.” Released in 2015, this set is designed to spark imaginations with underwater exploration adventures. It features 42 pieces that come together to build a sleek, yellow and black scuba scooter equipped with spinning propellers, a cockpit for a minifigure, and dual searchlights for navigating the oceans depths. The set includes one minifigure, a Deep Sea Explorer, outfitted with diving gear, including a helmet, oxygen tank, and a camera for capturing the mysteries of the underwater world. A small build that represents a portion of the ocean floor with seaweed elements adds to the setting, and the inclusion of a crystal element and an octopus figure elevates the play experience, offering scenarios of treasure hunting and wildlife encounters. Ideal for young builders and fans of marine exploration, the LEGO 60090 set encourages creativity, storytelling, and interest in marine biology.