The LEGO set 5004404 is a promotional polybag set titled “Police Chase.” It was released in the year 2016 as part of the LEGO CITY theme, which is aimed at recreating everyday scenarios and places in an exciting, fun, and imaginative way. The set includes a small police buggy vehicle and a bandits getaway push-cart, which are designed for a police chase scenario. It comes with two minifigures: a police officer and a bandit, each equipped with accessories pertinent to their roles, such as a set of handcuffs for the police officer and loot (like money bills) for the bandit.
This set, with its 36 pieces, is relatively small and simple, making it a quick and enjoyable build, ideal for younger LEGO fans or those looking for a small addition to their LEGO CITY collection. The Police Chase set is great for role-play and storytelling, encouraging imaginative play whereby children can enact scenes of crime and pursuit. Despite its simplicity, it encapsulates the essence of LEGO CITY, highlighting the themes of community service and adventure. Being a promotional item, it was often included as a free gift with purchase or through special promotions, making it a nice collectible for LEGO enthusiasts.