The LEGO 60079 set, also known as the Training Jet Transporter, is a captivating addition to LEGOs City theme, particularly within the Space sub-theme. Released in 2015, this detailed set comprises 448 pieces and is designed for LEGO enthusiasts aged 5 to 12 years, though it certainly appeals to collectors and fans of all ages.
The set centers around a versatile scenario involving the transport and preparation of a jet for space training missions. It features a main build, the Transporter Truck, which is impressively designed with a detachable trailer that holds the jet. The jet itself is sleek, with foldable wings for transport mode and adjustable tail fins. The design is optimized to offer a realistic representation of a training jet, echoing the excitement of space exploration and air travel.
Also included are three minifigures—a pilot, a driver, and a service person—each equipped with accessories pertinent to their roles, such as a tool wrench and a fuel tank, enhancing the play experience with role-play opportunities. Additional accessories include a service car for maintenance tasks and various elements to foster imaginative scenarios around the jet’s preparation and transport to the runway.
The LEGO 60079 Training Jet Transporter set not only encourages fine motor skills and creativity but also offers a glimpse into the complexity and thrill of aerospace endeavours, making it an educational and entertaining building experience.