The LEGO 41450 set is known as the “Heartlake City Shopping Mall,” part of the LEGO Friends series. Released in 2021, this detailed set captures the essence of a bustling shopping center experience tailored for LEGO Friends fans. It consists of 1,032 pieces and is designed for builders ages 8 and up.
The Heartlake City Shopping Mall set features a comprehensive mall structure spread across two levels, including a wide array of shops and interactive elements to simulate a real shopping experience. Among its detailed components are a fashion store, a toy shop, a food court, and a photo booth, each decorated with accessories that reflect their themes. Additionally, the set includes a moving escalator for added play dynamism.
This LEGO set comes with four mini-doll figures: Stephanie, Emma, Sophie, and Julian, allowing for interactive play and storytelling within the mall context. There are also a few smaller elements like a convertible car for arriving in style, a photo booth, and a fashion runway, enhancing the overall play experience.
The Heartlake City Shopping Mall not only provides hours of building and play fun but also encourages creativity and role-play among young LEGO fans, making it a fantastic addition to any LEGO Friends collection.