The LEGO 3368 set, also known as the “Space Center,” is part of the LEGO City line and was released in 2011. This engaging set offers a detailed, imaginative representation of a space shuttle launch facility. It is designed to inspire children with the excitement of space exploration and the science behind it.
Comprising of 494 pieces, the set includes a space shuttle with detachable fuel tanks and booster rockets, a launch pad with a launch control tower, a service vehicle, and a countdown clock. Additionally, it features four minifigures: two astronauts, a scientist, and a service crew member, providing a complete role-play experience of a space mission from pre-launch preparations to launch.
Key highlights of the set include the functionality to simulate the shuttle’s launch sequence and its separation from the fuel tanks during lift-off, enhancing the play experience with realistic details. The control tower and service vehicle add depth to the scenario, allowing children to engage in diverse narratives around space missions.
The LEGO Space Center 3368 set is not only a toy but an educational tool that encourages interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines through creative play. It has been well-received for its ability to stimulate imagination, problem-solving skills, and understanding of space exploration among children.