The LEGO 75159 set, also known as the Death Star, is an iconic model within the LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series. A re-release and update of the earlier 10188 Death Star set, this massive, intricately detailed set boasts an impressive 4,016 pieces. Released in 2016, it captures the essence of the Empires fearsome battle station featured throughout the original Star Wars trilogy.
Designed for experienced builders, this set is not just a model but a playset filled with numerous rooms, chambers, and features directly from pivotal scenes in the Star Wars saga. It includes the superlaser control room, a hangar bay with a movable launch rack for the TIE Advanced, an Emperors throne room, a detention block, and much more, offering endless play possibilities.
The set comes with an expansive array of 23 mini-figures, including characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and many others, some of which are exclusive to this set.
The LEGO 75159 Death Star is not only a magnificent display piece but also a testament to the enduring love for both LEGO and Star Wars, making it a prized possession for collectors and fans alike.