The LEGO Set 3180, also known as the Tank Truck, is a part of the LEGO City theme and was released in the year 2010. This engaging set consists of 222 pieces, offering builders a fun and immersive construction experience. The main highlight of the set is the meticulously designed tank truck, featuring a distinctive green and white color scheme that captures the essence of a classic fuel transporter.
Complete with rolling wheels, a detachable tanker, and an opening back compartment where the fuel hose is stored, this set invites imaginative play around the theme of fuel transportation and delivery. Additional details such as the trucks side mirrors, headlights, and a small ladder leading to the top of the tank further enhance its realism. The set also includes one minifigure, a truck driver, equipped with a hat and a wrench, ready to manage the days work of fuel delivery within the LEGO City.
This set not only captivates young minds with the intricacies of building but also stimulates creative play scenarios revolving around the essential services within a city, making it a wonderful addition to any LEGO City collection.