LEGO The Simpsons Series 1: Homer Simpson (2014)

The LEGO 71005 set, also known as the “Simpsons Series 1,” is a special collection belonging to the LEGO Minifigures theme, introduced in 2014. This set is particularly notable as it marked the first collaboration between LEGO and the iconic television series, The Simpsons. It consists of 16 unique minifigures, each meticulously designed to capture the distinctive characteristics and charm of the beloved characters from the show.

Characters included in this set are Homer Simpson, Marge Simpson, Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson with Snowball II, Maggie Simpson, Ned Flanders, Ralph Wiggum, Nelson Muntz, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Chief Wiggum, Krusty the Clown, Milhouse Van Houten, Mr. Burns, Itchy, Scratchy, and Groundskeeper Willie. Each minifigure comes with accessories that are recognizable from the series, adding an extra layer of appeal for fans and collectors.

The LEGO 71005 set has been highly popular among LEGO and The Simpsons enthusiasts for its creative representation of the characters and for bringing the animated Springfield world into the LEGO realm. It offers a delightful experience for both building and display, appealing to a wide audience range, from young fans of the show to adult collectors.