The LEGO set 70813, known as “Rescue Reinforcements,” is part of the LEGO Movie series, released in 2014. This engaging set features a dual-model build, allowing fans to construct either a large fire-mech or a fire plane, playing into the movies creative and transformative spirit. The primary build, the fire-mech, stands as an impressive figure with adjustable limbs, a water cannon with a pump, and wings that unfurl for an added play dimension. In its alternate build, it transforms into a fire plane with a distinct appearance, including water-drop functions to battle against fires.
This set includes a total of 859 pieces, making it a substantial addition to any LEGO enthusiasts collection, and offers an enjoyable challenge for builders. It comes with five minifigures: Blaze Firefighter, Hank Haystack, Robo SWAT, Fabu-Fan, and Blacktron Fan, each accompanied by their unique accessories, which adds to the storytelling possibilities and enriches play scenarios based on scenes from the movie.
Rescue Reinforcements is designed for fans ages 9-14, although its appeal stretches well beyond this range, embracing adult fans of LEGO (AFOLs) and collectors alike. It exemplifies the creativity, humor, and versatility that The LEGO Movie series is known for, making it a cherished set for both play and display.