The LEGO 4481 set, known as the Hailfire Droid, is a distinctive set from the LEGO Star Wars collection, which was released in 2003. Designed to replicate the highly mobile artillery droid seen in “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones,” this set stands out due to its unique wheel design and considerable size. The set consists of 681 pieces and, when assembled, features the large, spoked wheels that allow the droid to “roll” along, mimicking its rapid movement capabilities as depicted in the film. Additionally, the Hailfire Droid is equipped with adjustable missile launchers on each side, enhancing its playability and authenticity as a formidable weapon in the Separatist army. This model is celebrated among LEGO and Star Wars enthusiasts for its intricate design and the challenge it presents in building, as well as its impressive display potential and role in recreating scenes from the Star Wars saga.