The LEGO 76128 set, known as “Molten Man Battle,” is part of the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes theme and was released in conjunction with the movie “Spider-Man: Far From Home” in 2019. This exciting set features a buildable Molten Man figure with moving limbs, a gripping claw, and various elements designed to represent molten lava and debris, including a buildable car and traffic lights. The set also includes three minifigures: Spider-Man with a web pack, Mysterio with energy elements, and a firefighter with a fire extinguisher accessory. With 294 pieces, this set offers a thrilling building experience and endless play possibilities, catering especially to fans of the Marvel cinematic universe and LEGO superheroes sets. Its a great way to recreate action-packed scenes from the movie or imagine new adventures in the battle against Molten Man.