The LEGO 60316 set, also known as the “Police Station” set, is a detailed and engaging addition to the LEGO City theme. Released as part of the 2022 lineup, this set allows builders to construct a bustling police headquarters, complete with a jail cell, reception area, and a control room. It features a two-story police station with a distinctive blue and white color scheme, an adjoining doughnut shop for a touch of humor, and various accessory elements to enhance playability.
Included in the set are several minifigures, such as police officers, a crook, and a service dog, enabling a wide range of role-playing scenarios. The set also comes with a police car, a motorcycle, and a crooks getaway bicycle, adding to the dynamic chase and capture stories that kids can create. With 668 pieces, the Police Station set offers a rewarding build for children aged 6 and up, encouraging creativity, storytelling, and fine motor skills. Whether used for display or as a playground for imagined police adventures, the LEGO 60316 set is a captivating addition to any LEGO City collection.