The LEGO set 2115, also known as “Skull Motorbike,” is part of the LEGO Ninjago series, which debuted in 2011. This particular set immerses fans in the action-packed world of Ninjago, a land filled with ancient villages, modern cities, and mythical creatures bound by a rich backstory of lore and martial arts.
The Skull Motorbike set features a menacing motorcycle adorned with skull motifs, showcasing the distinctive design and attention to detail characteristic of Ninjago sets. It typically includes two minifigures: one of the heroic Ninjas and a skeleton warrior, which allows for epic duels and storytelling possibilities right out of the box.
With a moderate piece count that appeals to both younger builders and seasoned collectors, set 2115 offers an engaging building experience. The completed Skull Motorbike comes equipped with moving wheels and other interactive features that enhance play. This set, while relatively small compared to some of the expansive Ninjago offerings, holds appeal due to its unique design, playability, and collectible minifigures.
As with all LEGO Ninjago sets, 2115 Skull Motorbike encourages creativity, problem-solving, and imaginative play, making it a valued addition to any collection, whether for play or display.