The LEGO 3300005 set, also known as the LEGO Brand Retail Store set, is a unique and highly collectible LEGO exclusive that was released in 2012. This set was designed to resemble a miniature version of a typical LEGO retail store, capturing the essence and excitement of visiting a LEGO store in a compact display model. It was initially offered as a promotional item during the opening of LEGO brand retail stores, making it a special addition for LEGO enthusiasts and collectors.
Composed of 280 pieces, the set features a detailed facade with the iconic LEGO store sign, a window display, and an entrance. Inside, the set is intricately designed to mimic the interior of a real LEGO store, complete with product shelves showcasing tiny LEGO sets, a pick-a-brick wall, a counter, and even miniature LEGO figurines that add to its charm. A unique aspect of this set is the inclusion of a small, exclusive LEGO minifigure which represents a LEGO store employee, complete with a branded shirt element.
Due to its limited release and promotional nature, the LEGO 3300005 set has become a sought-after item among LEGO fans and collectors. Its delightful depiction of a LEGO brand retail store not only makes it a fantastic display piece but also a nostalgic reminder of the joy and excitement associated with visiting a LEGO store.