The LEGO 851815 set, also known as the “Batman Magnet Set,” is a unique addition to the LEGO DC Super Heroes merchandise line. Released in the mid-2000s, this set features three iconic figures from the Batman universe as magnets. The characters typically included are Batman, the Joker, and Robin, each fixed to a magnetic base that allows them to be displayed on any metallic surface.
The figures in this set are not meant for regular play as their feet are permanently affixed to the magnets, but they are designed with the same attention to detail and articulation as standard LEGO minifigures. This makes them a fantastic collectible item for fans of both LEGO and the DC Comics universe, particularly those who have a fondness for Batman and his array of characters.
The LEGO 851815 Batman Magnet Set appeals to a wide audience, including children who enjoy the playful aspects of having their favorite characters on display, as well as adult collectors seeking to add to their Batman or LEGO collectibles. The set blends functionality with fandom, serving as both a practical item for affixing notes to a fridge or locker and a cherished piece of memorabilia.