The LEGO set 76096, titled “Superman & Krypto Team-Up,” is part of the LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes series. Released in 2018, this engaging set allows fans to recreate thrilling action scenes right from the DC Universe. The set consists of 199 pieces and features iconic characters including Superman, Lobo, and the faithful Krypto the Superdog, each accompanied by detailed minifigures.
A standout feature of this set is the buildable Space Hog motorcycle, brought to life with striking colors and intricate details, providing Lobo with a formidable ride. Complementing the set is Supermans buildable red and blue escape pod, equipped with an opening cockpit and space for the Superman minifigure to fit inside, enabling dynamic play scenarios.
“Superman & Krypto Team-Up” offers a rich play experience by combining the forces of Superman and his loyal canine companion, Krypto, as they face off against the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo. This set is cherished not only for its play value but also by collectors for its unique characters, especially the fan-favorite Krypto the Superdog. It is suitable for children aged 6-12 years, providing an excellent way to encourage imaginative play and storytelling, while also adding to any LEGO DC Super Heroes collection.