The LEGO 41164 set, part of the enchanting LEGO Disney Frozen II series, is called “Enchanted Treehouse.” Released to capture the magical essence of the Disney Frozen II movie, this set invites builders to engage with the adventures of Anna, Elsa, and their friends in an enchanted forest setting. The set consists of a beautifully detailed treehouse nestled amongst the forest trees, providing a captivating build that sparks imaginative play.
The treehouse itself is intricately designed with several rooms and features, including a bedroom, dining area, and a lookout tower, all connected through a series of steps and ladders. The attention to detail extends to the accessories and smaller elements which include a fish, cooking pot, and a treasure chest, amongst others, bringing the scene to life.
To enrich the storytelling and play experience, the set includes several minifigures: Anna and Mattias, along with miniature figures of Olaf, two bunny figures, and a fish. The accompanying magical accessories and characters allow children (and adults alike) to recreate memorable moments from the movie or imagine entirely new adventures in the setting of the Enchanted Treehouse.
With 302 pieces, the LEGO 41164 set strikes a balance between a challenging and enjoyable build, making it suitable for builders aged 6 and up. Its a set that not only encourages imaginative play but also serves as a delightful display piece for any fan of the Frozen franchise or Disney-themed LEGO collections.