The LEGO 7712 set, also known as the “Supernova” set, is part of the LEGO Exo-Force theme, which was a popular line of LEGO sets produced from 2006 to 2008. This particular set was released in 2006 and embodies the creative and futuristic spirit of the Exo-Force series, which is characterized by its blend of high-tech machines and engaging storylines centered around battles between humans and robots.
The LEGO 7712 Supernova set features a sophisticated, highly articulated mecha or robot suit, designed for combat situations. It comes with various weapons and accessories, aligning with the Exo-Force theme of technologically advanced warfare. The Supernova set stands out due to its intricate details, poseability, and the inclusion of unique LEGO pieces that allow for extensive customization and imaginative play.
This set includes a pilot minifigure, which is a member of the Exo-Force team, ready to take on the robot foes. The color scheme, using vivid colors along with metallic and translucent pieces, adds to the visual appeal and futuristic look of the model.
Collectors and fans of LEGO and sci-fi-themed toys appreciate the 7712 Supernova set for its build quality, playability, and its place within the larger Exo-Force storyline, making it a memorable and sought-after set from this era of LEGOs history.