The LEGO 45680 set, officially known as the “LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime Expansion Set,” serves as an add-on to the basic SPIKE Prime Set. Designed for students aged 10+, this expansion kit broadens the possibilities for creative problem-solving and engineering with over 600 pieces. It includes unique elements and new building options that allow learners to dive deeper into robotics and programming by designing more complex models. The set is tailored to enhance skills in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) through hands-on learning and digital creation. It encourages students to think critically and innovate, offering them additional tools and bricks to build sophisticated robots and machines when combined with the SPIKE Prime core set. Packed with gears, wheels, unique structural pieces, and even more sensor options, the 45680 set is an ideal resource for educators and learners looking to expand their STEAM learning journey with LEGO Education.