The LEGO set 850842, also known as the LEGO City Fire Truck Holiday Bauble, is a unique and festive decoration released in 2013. This set is part of a special series that combines the joy of LEGO building with holiday decor. The set comes packaged within a clear plastic bauble, which can be opened to access the pieces and then used to hang the assembled Fire Truck as an ornament on a Christmas tree or to display elsewhere as part of holiday decorations.
Specifically designed for fans of both LEGO and holiday décor, this set consists of a miniature fire truck model, capturing the essence of LEGO Citys emergency services theme in a compact, festive format. The LEGO City Fire Truck within the bauble is designed with attention to detail, featuring the iconic red color scheme associated with fire engines, despite its small size. With relatively few pieces, its a simple build, making it accessible for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages, and it serves as a charming addition to any holiday decoration collection or as a perfect little gift for LEGO fans.
The 850842 set exemplifies LEGOs creativity in merging play with seasonal spirit, offering a unique way to integrate ones passion for LEGO into holiday traditions.