The LEGO 6399 set, known as the Airport Shuttle, is a classic and highly sought-after model from the LEGO Town theme, specifically under the sub-theme of transportation. Released in 1990, this iconic set features a monorail system with an elevated track, providing an exciting and futuristic mode of transportation for the minifigures. The set includes a detailed airport terminal station, a smaller city station, a sleek monorail train with a front and rear car for passengers, and a middle car for the train operator. The set also comes with several minifigures, vehicles, and accessories to enhance playability and display value.
The Airport Shuttle set is celebrated for its innovative design, play features, and the inclusion of the monorail system, which was a relatively rare and sophisticated feature in LEGO sets at the time. With 767 pieces, it offers a rewarding building experience for both younger fans and adult collectors. The 6399 set remains a gem in the LEGO Town theme, embodying the creativity and imagination LEGO is known for.