The LEGO 3284 set, also known as the “Bob the Builder – Bobs Workshop,” is a delightful addition to the LEGO Duplo line, targeted at young children. Released in 2005, this set is based on the popular childrens animated television series, “Bob the Builder.” Its designed to inspire imaginative play and development of fine motor skills among preschoolers.
This set features 30 pieces, including a Bob minifigure, and components to build a colorful, engaging workshop scene. It allows children to recreate scenarios from the show or invent new adventures for Bob and his team. The easy-to-handle Duplo bricks are perfect for little hands, making building and playtime both fun and educational. With vibrant colors and engaging characters, the LEGO 3284 set offers young builders the chance to explore creativity while developing their problem-solving abilities in a playful setting.