The LEGO 8762 set, also known as “Toa Iruini,” is part of the BIONICLE series, specifically from the Toa Hagah subtheme. Released in 2005, this set showcases one of the six elite Toa heroes that were transformed into Rahaga and then back into Toa. Iruini, as depicted in this set, is adorned in striking gold and dark green armor, symbolizing his great power and status among the Toa.
This set comprises 53 pieces, including Iruinis unique mask, the Kanohi Kualsi, which grants the ability to teleport to any location within his field of vision. Additionally, Toa Iruini is equipped with a Rhotuka spinner, a signature weapon of the Toa Hagah, which can be launched from his shield, adding a dynamic play feature. His spear, another characteristic weapon, reflects his status as a guardian of Metru Nui and a warrior of great skill.
The LEGO 8762 set is notable for its posable limbs, allowing enthusiasts to pose Iruini in various action stances, enhancing the display and play value. The inherent collectibility of the set, combined with its significance in the BIONICLE lore, makes it a cherished item among fans of the series and LEGO collectors alike.