The LEGO 7050 set, officially known as “Alien Defender,” is a part of the LEGO Space: Alien Conquest series, which was launched by LEGO in 2011. This set features a distinctive, small vehicle — the Alien Defender — designed to combat the alien invaders included within the series.
Comprised of 105 pieces, this set includes two minifigures: an Alien Defense Unit soldier equipped with a blaster, and an alien trooper, thus encouraging scenarios of intergalactic defense and combat. The Alien Defender vehicle is characterized by its compact, yet robust design, featuring dual flick missiles, a rotating cannon, and an eye-catching color scheme of mainly white, with green, black, and gray accents that match the thematic elements of the Alien Conquest series.
The ease of assembly and the dynamic play possibilities make it an engaging set for young fans of LEGO and science fiction, cultivating imaginative play through the storyline of defending Earth from an alien invasion. The LEGO 7050 Alien Defender set is not only a testament to LEGOs ability to blend creative storytelling with fun and interactive building but also serves as a collectible piece for fans of the Alien Conquest theme.