The LEGO set 8734, known as “Brutaka,” is a part of the Bionicle series, specifically under the Titan line, which was released in 2006. This set consists of 193 pieces that combine to form a towering and articulated figure named Brutaka. One of the main features of Brutaka is his distinctive gold and blue color scheme, along with his formidable dual-ended sword. As a character, Brutaka is depicted as a powerful and once noble guardian who succumbs to betrayal and darkness, adding depth to the Bionicle storyline. The set was well-received for its intricate design, posability, and play value, making it a favorite among Bionicle fans and collectors. Despite its release over a decade ago, Brutaka remains a standout set in the LEGO Bionicle universe, embodying the themes rich lore and creative construction.