The LEGO 853958 set, also known as the LEGO Chicken Skater Pod, is a whimsical and unique addition to LEGOs vast collection of sets. Released in 2019, this set is part of a series of themed pods that feature a mini-figure and a small build within a portable, pocket-sized case. The Chicken Skater Pod specifically includes a chicken suit mini-figure, complete with a skateboarding theme. The pod itself is designed to look like a chicken, adding a fun and playful aspect to the overall package.
Inside the pod, along with the chicken-suited mini-figure, are accessories that fit the skateboarding theme, such as a skateboard, safety helmet, and other related items to enhance playability. The compact size of the pod makes it an ideal choice for on-the-go play or for collectors looking for quirky and distinctive LEGO sets. The set is small, typically consisting of less than 50 pieces, making it a quick and enjoyable build for LEGO enthusiasts of all ages. The LEGO Chicken Skater Pod is appreciated not just for its play value but also for its collectibility and the unique character it adds to the LEGO mini-figure lineup.